
Melrose Triangle community meetings followup

Thanks to all the neighbors, community stakeholders, and city officials who took part in the three virtual neighborhood meetings held on Feb. 26 about the upcoming construction activity related to the project site. The project team wishes to express its appreciation to all for the open and constructive dialogue.

Copies of two of the meetings are available for viewing on YouTube.

Work is scheduled to commence on March 17 to begin to secure the site for neighbors and pedestrians in the area by filling in the existing large hole that is present on the site as a result of prior excavations. A new update will be posted before the commencement of work with additional details.

To reiterate, it is anticipated that it will take between 6 and 9 months to fill the hole depending on weather conditions and availability of fill materials.

For more information, please email melrosetriangle@gmail.com, or call project manager Jack Kurchian at (424) 527-4758.

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